As I plan my travels, I also plan to update those back home. This is how............

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Kitchen Utensil Museum????????

Kitchen Utensil Museum????????
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Have I seen it all yet?


Originally uploaded by kevdu.
MMMMMMMM.........steak. (drool here)

Rob On His Roof

Rob On His Roof
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Head Chief Rob, looking after the tiny charcol BBQ, with the pink Asian sky in the background

Steak Never Looked or Tasted So Good

Ah, it was a good western meal. Steak, corn and potatoes. All on one plate!

Thanks Rob and Andrea!

4-Ball Shark?

4-Ball Shark?
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
I certainly don't think so.

This is a strange Korean version of pool. Notice there are no pockets on the table.

My View of Dan

My View of Dan
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
If this doesn't want you to have a good Korean tea at a tea house, I don't know what will

Dan's Throwing Stars

Dan's Throwing Stars
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
In this quaint little Tea House, Dan couldn't help but play with the rocks and consider the potential they have to cause some damage.

Polite or Impolite................that is the question

So last week we met a frinedly Korean man at the bathhouse. Almost too friendly, so much so that he was just strange, and I have a feeling that Korean's would agree. This fellow would swim "lengths" at the bathhouse. This is where he chose to swim, where people were bathing. Not to mention the fact that he had terrible form, even an unexperienced swimmer like myself could tell you this. I would suggest that he did a freestyle/flop combination. It was tough to watch. After "showing us his stuff" he invited us to follow his lead and so we did. Dan took the lead and once he finished, he figured he was so bad that he thought Dan was a great swimmer! (actually Dan is a good swimmer, better than most, it is a tough sport!) He didn't say anything to me, I guess I wasn't that great, although I did run into a few naked kids midstroke.

So the next week, as has usually been our custom on friday night, we went to the bathhouse again, and guess who was there. It was our friend again. This time he was "diving" into the bath. I give quotations to the word diving because I know what he was going for, but all I saw was a belly flop. All this happened in the cold pool, which is about 22C (a hot tub is usually around 40C), which is also only 2 feet deep.

But after we finished with these antics, we went up to watch a movie (these bathhouses have internet rooms, cafe's, sauna's, massage tables, workout rooms, games rooms, ping pong etc.) When we got there he was having a beer, as was our other colleague, and he offered one to me and I turned him down a few times. This was a bit rude on my part, as you don't generally don't turn things down, but beer in a bathhouse just didn't seem to go together for me. So after the second turn down, he got up and left, and I knew he was going to get something for me. He did. He came back with some sort of semi frozen dish. It looked like cold water with slushy ice in it. I couldn't see to well as the lights were low, so I dug in, once again, not wanting to be rude and taking what was given to me. I knew that if I didn't like it I had to take a good chunk out of it while it was frozen or cold, cause it would only get worse as it thawed. I would end up taking about 1/3 of the dish before I could take no more. So what was this generous gift to me courtesy of this Korean fellow; it was frozen squid pieces in water. I could taste the ocean right away. The only thing I said to myself was that this man graciously gave this to me, so I have to eat a good portion.

I must have gone in for about 20 or 25 forced spoonfulls of this stuff, and I wasn't afraid to make my facial expressions express how I didn't really enjoy this, as the lights were low and it was tough to see. But, I did give him the kind thumbs up, in appreciation for the thought.

Once again, this is just one of many other things that we have expereinced out here. We had a chat with a few mormon missionaries over dinner the other night. I was angry, not because they were rude, if anything I was the rude one, mostly the way they see scripture, so I have been doing some research over the past few days. They'll come knocking on our door sometime in the near future i'm sure, they got our address. I will need wisdom and a calm spirit.

I continue to struggle with the impulse to break out in Spanish. When I don't hear English it is just a reaction as it is the only other language I can communicate "effectively." Ironically this most often happens with the street vendors and restaurants, and it is usually in the form of numbers or general courtesy's. Good to know that I haven't completely lost it I suppose, but it is time to learn some Korean.

Dan and I had a trial membership to a fashionable gym here in Seoul. It was packed and too far away, so we will get a membership to a closer one when we get paid next. Some interesting people working out there. Lets just say there was one guy that liked to lift with his back and feel his biceps between sets. I wasn't watching so much as I was waiting for his weights, but he caught my attention.

We are of to Busan in the morning for a few days outside the city. It should be fun, we'll cross the country by train. We're hoping for a good day or afternoon of rest on the beach, plus a few sights. It should be good. I'll post pictures late next week.

All for now

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Blessed to Cursed, The Story of our Shower Woes

You know the conversation has gone into the tank when you hear or are even involved in a discussion about the weather that starts like this, "Boy, quite the weather we're having eh/huh." This has got to be one of the, if not the most classic line that is spout out when somebody can't handle a few moments of silence. It is terrible.

And that is exactly what I want to write about this week. Just be assured that the weather is not as important, as much as it is just a factor in the greater story.

So it was pickin' hot at the end of last week and the first few days of this week; around 90-95F. This was almost to the point of unbearable in an apartment without air conditioning, that had all possible windows open and 1 1/2 fans running. So to Dan's credit he decided that this would be a good and reasonable time to take a cold shower. He was right, it was. We didn't have cold showers to be the hero, or the tough guy who can "handle" the cold water, but it literally allowed us to sleep at night. It put us to bed knowing that the puddle of sweat we would have by our pillow in the morning would not be as big as it would have been otherwise (sorry for putting the image in your head). It essentially worked out real well. The cold shower was a great idea, well done Dan!

So as the week progressed and the temperature started to cool off slightly, I was looking forward to a good warm shower in the morning. So on Tuesday night as I got ready to do the dishes, I turned the nozzle to the left (just trying to eliminate any dumb suggestions that may fly my way from the funny people out there as to why we didn't have hot water) and got nothing. This was unfortunate, because we needed bowls for breakfast in the morning. I have eaten cereal for 99.9% of the mornings of my life, and I sure as heck wasn't going to miss it because I was in Korea, so I didn't let the lack of hot water stop me. I boiled it. It took about 6 pots or so to fill the sink, but I got the dishes done and I was satisfied that I was going to get cereal in a nice clean bowl in the morning. And I did, and let me assure you, it was wonderful.

The next morning, I got up, ate my cereal, and made my way to the shower. I turned on the tap, and to my dismay, still no hot water. At this point, I just had to bite it. I was looking for a good shower to wake me up, but it looked like I was going to have a quick semi Italian shower. I suppose I am just lucky I got my cereal bowls clean, otherwise it may have been a tough day!
As the day went on, I went to work, did my job, then left. After the 20 minute walk home in the heat, I was sweating and looking forward to a good shower. But there was still no hot water.................. Needless to say, I was not very happy with this, but who was I going to discuss this too, the apartment manager? The answer to this is "No," he doesn't speak English!

So the next day, the cycle continued. Cold shower, cold shower, cold shower. So I brought this to the attention of my colleagues, and come to find out from them, they are having the same issues. We talked, vented, etc. and so I brought it to our manager and asked him to inquire about this. He did. We will not have hot water for two weeks!

Talk about a punch in the gut, dishes will be an extra chore, showers will be less frequent, and the cologne and deodorant will cover this up, therefore going a little quicker than I would like.

This is all the nature of living in a country where you don't speak the language, and another case of just "rolling with the punches", as come to find out, the notice that was posted in the elevator about a month ago, tells us of this hot water shut down. I suppose this may be inspiration to learn Korean. Who knows?

More to come in the morning

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I Stand Corrected

I guess I was wrong
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Just when I thought the monsoon rains were done.............we got hammered!! It took literally 60 seconds to feel the first drop to the absolute drenching that came to those without umbrella's....right Dan?...........take a look at his pics.

Under Cover

Under cover
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Just waiting with everybody else under the cover of the canopy.

Still under cover

Still under
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Even though we have umbrellas, the sidewalks were puddle deep in water within 5 minutes, so we waited it out for a few minutes. Then Dan and I gave up and walked through the streams that had formed on the sidewalks.

The Chow

All the food
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
When you order a meal in Korea, you can never really be sure how many sidedishes you are going to get. Most of which I have come to enjoy...............well, maybe not most, but at least a few.

Rob and Matt

Rob and Matt
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
A close up of Matt, with Rob in the distance. We all played the dumb tourist card and took some pics.

Traditional restaurant

Traditional restaurant
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
L-R Andrea, Erin and Dan @ a traditional Korean restaurant

Saturday, July 23, 2005

It's The Weekend!!!!

The spite value in this is pretty much out the window right now, as it is now Friday night for most of you. I was really hoping to write a bit right after I got home from work last night, but it didn't happen, so now it is Saturday morning, and I lose. I suppose you get your vengeance when you get your Sunday and I'm at work................................

The more time you spend in a different place, the more the irregular just seem to become regular and acceptable. It is strange. Does this mean I am actually becoming a Korean, no, but I am becoming used to some of the things that they do and they just aren't so strange anymore. A friend of mine, (Dr.J, from the R-dot.........."that's my hood, dowg".....................) simply said last time I was home, "you gotta just roll with the punches." And so I have. Just taking the glimpses of strange events and well, considering them normal.

Lets take for example the Korean phenomena known as the "adjima", or grandma. Let me give them credit for this, they are tough, they will not sit in their wheelchairs, they will push carts of things (not sure really what is in these carts) up and down the streets, and some of them will insist on climbing the stairs even though it may take them 1/2 an hour to get up the two floors to the subway platform, when the elevators are readily available. You really have to see it, it doesn't make sense, but whatever. These same grandma's are not afraid of physical contact either. They were like the bullies in high school who would walk a straight line down the halls and give a good shoulder to anybody who wouldn't get out of their way. If you don't get out of their way, many of them will not hesitate or even think about giving you a piece of their shoulder, and let me assure you of this, they have great leverage. Many of them have a good stiff hunch, so it will take a little extra to knock them over (not that I would do it anyway), so when they hit you, they knock you good. Not to mention where they hit you...............remember the hunch.....................

So luckily I have yet to have that happen to me, but I have witnessed this in others. It seems to happen every now and then on the subway.

On another note, monsoon season came and went. It was disappointing. I think Ontario has a bigger monsoon season that Korea, and there it is just called rain. Or so this was the case last summer when I was there, I keep hearing that it was just a bad year, and I believe it. Are they in the middle of a heatwave right now? Just my luck.

But speaking of heatwave, it must be in the mid 90's out here right now. Dan and I sweat just sitting down. It's ridiculous, although he seems to take great joy in the noises he can make on the floor with his sweaty back, which can resemble many strengths and tones of regular human flatulation.

But typhoon season is coming, which should be sweet. Not that I like destruction, but on the west coast I seem to be sheltered from these weather phenomina, so it will be interesting to see. The nice thing is Seoul rarely has to deal with it, in fact, the entire country doesn't have to deal with typhoons for the most part, except for Busan on the very south. Did I mention that I we are going there the first week of August....................... It's our vacation, and we don't have much money yet, so it's time to see the country.

That has been my story of the week. Like I mentioned earlier, I am feeling rather comfortable out here now, and settled in, so the crazy and strange may start to turn into the regular and normal. Who knows

It is always fun to write, hope to hear from you all when you can.


Friday, July 22, 2005

A Day at the Pool

Berkely Class pic
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
It was quite a day. Our school took about 100 kindergarten kids to the pool on friday morning. It was fun, Dan and I got to toss kids around in the pool. It felt great to do, particularily when most of the time you spend with them is in a classroom.

Gettin' Ready for the Pic

Gettin' ready for the pic
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Photography can be decieving. You don't see the hastle it takes to get the kids ready for the picture. But as you can tell, I don't look to worried about it.

Were Not Messin' Around

Were not messin' around
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
PS - We know how good we look in swimcaps, you don't have to remind us

The Look Hasn't Changed Dan

The look hasn't changed Dan
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Everybody in the pool had to wear a swimcap. Including the dumb westerners

"Uncle" Dan

"Uncle" Dan
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Lookout! He has a swimcap on.

Still Waiting

But not there yet
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Eddie is ready to jump in right now. Little does he know he still has a 30 minute bus ride to go.

Loaded on the bus

Loaded on the bus
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
The kids all had their little tubes ready to go before they left the school. It was great.

These are a few of my boys

Off to the pool

Off to the pool
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Gettin' ready to go to the pool.

Unfotunatly, you already saw the day backwards, this was before we left......if you wern't sure.

And for the rest of you who have followed the story, Betty is on the left in the red.

Another Day In the Office

Another day at the office
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Working hard, as usual............don't let the staged picture fool you!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Find the foriegner

Where's Kevin???
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
I really don't think I will ever blend in all to well. I do love that light Orange jacket thought. Thanks Mom

World Cup Stadium

World Cup Stadium
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Ever wanting to listen to a bunch of Korean's sing soccer stuff to the tune of classics like, "If Your Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands" or "Doe a Deer" from The Sound Of Music. That's what we did here. Oh, by the way, there was also a soccer game

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Andy, drawing attention to himself..........

This was literally 10 seconds before he fell walking on chairs, into my lunch putting it in my lap. All I could do was laugh, but the tray hitting the floor brought about all the Korean teachers who did the Korean thing. Yelled and smacked, in a nice way.

Little Andy

Little Andy
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
How can I get mad at this kid. He is pure comedy. I call him little coconut, and he calls me big coconut.

Andy and Robin

Andy and Robin
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Andy is the one at the bottom of the picture, get used to him, i'm sure i'll have stories to tell about him.

L-R, Thomas, Eddie and James

L-R, Thomas, Eddie and James
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
This was taken at lunch time, Thomas just got his cast off. He's cute

L-R, Eddie, James and Brian

L-R, Eddie, James and Brian
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Some kindergarten boys. I have a tough time with Brian, James is phenominal and Eddie is brilliant, just has behavior prblems. He is almost autistic

Brighton School

Brighton School
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
One more shot, my school

Brighton from the inside

School Hallway
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
The school's main hallway, notice the classes are all named after Ivy leauge schools. With the exception of Toronto. Not sure how that one fits in there. Token Canada I suppose

Brighton School

Brighton School
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
The school I teach at. It's been good to me, great staff, and the kids.......they have there moments, both great and frusterating

DongWang Market

DongWang Market
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
A sweet little market, I wish we had these in N. America.

To much to blog

There are simply to many little things that happen within a week that can be written about, so I usually have to pick and choose what is worth sharing with you, remembering the general rule. "Some things that happen on the road, stay on the road." But fear not, this doesn't include things that we wouldn't do at home, it just means if you want to know about it and experience it, then come on over. My words can't do justice to all that happens over, as there are little intricacies that I can only please the eyes and the mind. It takes a lot more to make this experience complete.

In saying that, I decided to make a list this week of little thing that happen that I could share with friends and family back home and in various parts of the world, so here are a few highlights from the week.

#1) We met atmosphere man. Dan shared about it, so I won't say to much, but the guy was strange and we couldn't stop howling about the guy later that night as we suffered from being over tired. He had a black bag wrapped up where he could "control his own atmosphere." Hey, if your into that sort of thing, all the power to you.

#2) After a day at work, a co-worker, who will be unnamed, suggested this, "kids are like dogs..............................."

#3) I have a little boy in my class full of boys who, in the same day thought it would be a good idea to play with his "wiener" in class and kiss his fellow classmates, all boys. As a North America, that was odd and I didn't know what to think of that, mostly out of shock, but not really a big deal for Koreans. Well, at least the kissing part.

#4) I have yet to see a Korean J-walk, and they just won't. So neither do I, until I decided that there was a small street that I could cross with nobody around. And out of nowhere I have a old man come up to me, get my attention and point at the pedestrian light which was red.

#5) Finally, from the notepad beside my computer, I was mobbed at church. Well, there were a few others as well. Essentially we go to a huge church with an English ministry and after church we decided to look around the campus. As we did we came across some sort of fundraiser, where people were selling food to raise money to provide missionaries all over there world with satellites so they could have access to some sermons. So naturally, as white people who speak English, we drew a crowd, except this crowd had camera's and Korean food. This was an all or nothing scenario for me. I do the Korean food and get on TV, or turn the food down and not get on TV. Now I don't need to be on TV, nor do I get excited about it especially, when this was not an English station, and I was really not excited about the food. But it was forced on me. I couldn't believe it. I walk away and laugh as all I knew was that I put some sort of the ocean in my mouth and had a tough time chewing it, as the thing was a rock. So I politely offered it to my other white friends, with large generous pieces, ensuring that I could pass it on and not have to put it in my mouth, as I was already on TV, and I had about 15-20 Koreans wanting to know my thoughts about this piece of ocean. I gave the thumbs and and forced a smile, and realized I couldn't draw this out so that I could dispose of it, so I had to chew and swallow. And still had the courage to assure them that I enjoyed there little snack....................bllllllaaaaahhhhhhhh.

I like a lot of Korean food, but this was to much for me.

It is 3:30 in the morning, I must be off to bed,

I hope to update again when these random stories come about, as I think I will have to go twice weekly.

Keep in touch, I love hearing your thoughts. Well most of them, I didn't think this would turn into a verbal sparring page.............................where I simply can't be beat, as i'm sure you know.


Friday, July 15, 2005


Do you ever understand what you miss or don't miss by being on the road at the specific time that you were, and not a second later when you watch a crash in your rear view mirror? Or when you just happen to run into free stuff that you really needed because you were at the right place at the right time?

I had one of those experiences the other day on the subway. I have been helping a Korean university student (legal, not getting paid!!!!!) with her spoken English as she has a phone interview for an exchange program she wants to be in, so through one of the teachers at my school, I was asked to help her out. So we had planned to meet at 8:30 at her work. Fair enough, enough time for dinner and a quick nap (hence one of my nicknames, "possum") and then I had to be off to the subway. So I did, I had to take two subways to get to her house so after getting off one, I bolted for the other and was literally the last passenger on. So I sat down and made myself comfortable for the 30 minutes ride.

Now, let me tell you what I have been asking God lately. I have been asking him to show me his church, what is it about the people and the church? Why are they such prayer animals? I say this because teaching has had frustrating moments (alongside great ones, no doubt) but some days the frustrating ones outdue the others and I have been calling out to God, why! Why send me here with these little ones when I can just go play with them at camp? Essentially I know I have a lot to learn about His church, and that is why I am here. I suppose I just disguise myself as a teacher.

Let me not get off track, after sitting down on the subway I see a Korean man sitting right across from me with a Korean newspaper and an English paper. This isn't uncommon, but this time something simply struck me about the guy. He looked "cool" I suppose. He was an older guy that was just confident with himself. He had a bit of a combover, short and had glasses with huge lenses. Then "it" hit me, and by it I think I am referring to the Spirit of the Lord. Kevin, you will be talking with this man. My stubborn and initial response is simply, "that's a negative." I'm quite happy sitting here. Then as the ride went on, I couldn't avoid not talking to the guy, but I was about to anyway. So as we approached my stop, I got up and made my way to the door, as I stood and waited, I heard a faint voice say, "Can you hear me?" I took my earphones out, and looked down at the man I was walked away from talking to, and there he was, getting off at my stop. My head was simply saying, Lord, you were right (again) and why have you given me a second chance with this guy. As we started talking I told him that I had graduated from a Bible college and he went on to tell me how he had graduated from seminary in Korea.............start putting the pieces together, as I certainly was at the time.............and it turns out that he wants to spread the gospel to the poor in Asia. Countries like Myanmar, Cambodia and what not...................Unbelievable. What is more unbelievable is that it turns out my tutoring session was supposed to start at 8, yet what I put in my palm was 8:30. Had I gone at 8, I wouldn't have met with the guy.........................

It was then at the same time that we asked each other for our phone numbers and contact info.
I plan on meeting up with the guy sometime next week for a time of prayer and he mentioned that he would like to invite me to his time of prayer and worship after we meet again.

I am not sure exactly what that will entail, but I look forward to it to say the least, as my traveling experience to this point has told me that the body of the Lord is a phenomenal thing, whether it be in Mexico, Guatemala, East coast to west coast or South Korea.

Anyway, that is my story, I hope to update you again, and I continue to covet your prayers, not just for myself but also for those who are with me (Dan, Rob, Andrea) as well as those we work with. I certainly have had some interesting discussions.

In the grace of the Lord

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

An Update on Betty

For those who have been reading along, Betty came through again. This time she didn't even ask for bathroom assistance, it just happened.......................woopsies!


PS - If your reading this for the first time, scroll down to the story of the little kindergartener who wet her pants because I wouldn't let her go to the my credit, it was almost lunchtime.......................if that means anything to anybody

Monday, July 11, 2005

My Backside

My Backside
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Thanks Dan

Save Me

Save Me
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
More subway fun

More Dan

More Dan
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Once again, if you don't know him, this should tell you a bit about the man I live with!

Communicating with the street vendor

This was difficult, I ended up paying a little extra for chicken on a stick, one of my favourite snacks

There is No..........Way Out

Way Out
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
No way out...........i'm here

10 Years of Pollution on the Window

10 years of pollution on the window
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
If you know me, I am generally rather clean, so there was no way I was going to stare at 10+ years of pollution sitting on my window, so I leaned out the window and cleaned it off. This is a before and after.

Dan the Man

Dan the Man
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
It was a night of taking pictures, for your viewing pleasure.

Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head

Not up for closing the umbrella
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Still had the umbreall up in the subway station and I didn't even know it, woopsies.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

The Kids Gave Me PMS

Let me be honest here for a moment, by P.M.S., I am making no reference what so ever to any sort of Patient &/or Manly Sympathy! I mean the whole flippin' thing, P.M.S, as we all know it. Take a moment to think about that then remember, it is a bit of a hyperbole, but, whatever part of PMS brings about the instantaneous mood changes, I don't have that either, I just have the mood changes.

Honestly, it is quite ridiculous. I have come to love an entire classroom of kids in minutes, only to have that all turn on me in a few seconds, leaving me on the verge of whacking them all, (a common practice in Korean schools, which to this point I have vowed not to take part in, however I am not sure how long that is going to last), only to bring me back to loving them a few minutes later. Consider that this may last for a morning (when I teach the kindergarteners), and I think it is fair to say, the kids have given me PMS.

All humor aside, if in fact there was any, (I certainly laughed about the potential for this blog update all week long) the kids are great, but the things they do at places like camp, just aren't acceptable in a class. Things such as having an entire class, climb on the tables, when they realize there is a spider on the floor. To me, this was hilarious, particularly because one of the bigger boys in the class was absolutely defiant and terrified, that he needed to be carried by Kevin teacher as I tried to teach class. His feet essentially couldn't be on the floor, but I was the teacher, and teachers are not supposed to tolerate this behavior in a classroom, which made it really frustrating.

My second example comes from my class full of 5 year old boys. They are hilarious, and if I didn't have to teach them and make sure I covered a certain amount of material with them, I am sure I would love them even more. They hit, the scream, they complain, they act like women (at least a few of the locals think so), but once again, I can go from loving them to absolutely despising them in a matter of seconds. They too, give me PMS.

So what am I saying? Or am I just complaining? I don't know, all I know is that I love these kids, they are the funniest and most hilarious kids I have ever seen, but a teacher is not supposed to encourage certain behavior, so I don't and I don't like that part, it just comes with the territory I suppose.

Anyway, it would be a lot easier teaching at home I know that, and I wish I could be there, but there are things I must learn here. The kids, the culture, and the church and the list goes on, would you pray that the Lord directs my steps, as I wait on him, both in Korea and beyond.



Sunday, July 03, 2005

It's big

Don't worry, not Dan
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
We made a trip to the zoo. It's a hippo

Time for Kev's weekly update!

Greetings to all,

The great thing about living in Seoul is that you can get by just fine without owning a car. This is made possible by the great subway system they have, which definantly outdoes any city I have ever been to, including NYC or Chicago, not that I used those systems all to extensivly, but none the less, it simply means you do a heck a lot of walking. A great benifit to your helath and the envirnoment, but it makes you all the more happy to lie down in bed at home at the end of the day, which also makes it easy to fall asleep, which in case you couldn't tell, I feel like I can right now.

Don't know why that important to anything, maybee somebody just needs to send me some tissue, but we made a trip to the zoo yesterday, so we (Rob, Dan, Matt and I) saw the lions, tigers, bears, puma, lynx, cheatas, giraffes, hippos, reindeer, crocodiles, alligators, monkey's...........but we couldn't find the elephants. The sign was up and their area/pen was huge, but we simply couldn't see them anywhere. It was the last stop of about 4 hours on our feet and something that we had gone out of our way to see, it was terrible, uphill, 5k's, in the snow..................both ways! just kidding, we all know our parents were the only one's who had to walk to school everyday in conditions like those......................only to discover that the elephants were not there. Turns out, or so we were told, they escaped 2 weeks ago! Just imagine with me for a moment, have you ever considered that elephants could blend in with the traffic in the streets of a city. I'm sure it happened, considering how wild and eratic the traffic is over here. I'm sure the elephant didn't stop at a red light, i'm sure the elephant would have ran over pedestrians if they got in its way. Who knows!

Needless to say, we didn't see the elephants or the walrus for that matter, I was really hoping to see them both, but I can't complain, the zoo was $1.50 well spent, as were my legs.

Thats about the all that happend this week that was worthy of being drawn out into a story, which I really have fun doing, other than Dan's arrival of course. I have simply feel like i'm getting more and more comfortable out here as the people are great and i'm starting to get settled down.

Looking forward to another week out here, i'll let you know about it next week, i'm off to bed.


PS - The boss asked me if I knew of anybody else willing to spend a year in Korea. There is a position opening up at my school in September, if you have a BA and your interested, let me know

The Olson

The Olson
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Hasn't even got out of the cab yet. Welcome to Korea Dan

All the way to Korea for a Brawt

Not sure how to spell that one

The Lions

The Lions
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
We actually saw them play/fight. Let's just say, I don't play that way.

Pre Olson

Pre Olson
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Rob, Andrea and I out for dinner in Chang-dong, if that means anything to anybody

Look who came to town

Lets cut to the chase,

The Olson came to town this week! And oh, Korea will not be the same, lets us be serious.

For those of you from Briercrest, you know what I mean, to others, I am sure you will here stories of our exploits and by the end of my time here you will feel like you know him all to well. I figure I should set the stage, to prepare you for what you will hear over the course of my blog. Combine my personality, which is up to you to know and understand with a friend from Bible school who took part in such "courageous" activities as climbing telephone towers, or showing up to run marathons. And put the two of us in the same apartment in Korea, at the same school, with the same group of friends. It will be a year that neither of us will forget I am sure!

We have given him the whirlwind city tour and done what we could to get him acquainted with the new Korean lifestyle. All coming while he attempts to get over the jet lag, which was hindered by the people above us courtesy of them knocking on our roof for a 1/2 hour at about 7am this morning.

Needles to say it will be great to have him around, the company is needed and I look forward to our time together this year, he'll be alright, as afterall, he's in good hands, not just mine.
