To much to blog
There are simply to many little things that happen within a week that can be written about, so I usually have to pick and choose what is worth sharing with you, remembering the general rule. "Some things that happen on the road, stay on the road." But fear not, this doesn't include things that we wouldn't do at home, it just means if you want to know about it and experience it, then come on over. My words can't do justice to all that happens over, as there are little intricacies that I can only please the eyes and the mind. It takes a lot more to make this experience complete.
In saying that, I decided to make a list this week of little thing that happen that I could share with friends and family back home and in various parts of the world, so here are a few highlights from the week.
#1) We met atmosphere man. Dan shared about it, so I won't say to much, but the guy was strange and we couldn't stop howling about the guy later that night as we suffered from being over tired. He had a black bag wrapped up where he could "control his own atmosphere." Hey, if your into that sort of thing, all the power to you.
#2) After a day at work, a co-worker, who will be unnamed, suggested this, "kids are like dogs..............................."
#3) I have a little boy in my class full of boys who, in the same day thought it would be a good idea to play with his "wiener" in class and kiss his fellow classmates, all boys. As a North America, that was odd and I didn't know what to think of that, mostly out of shock, but not really a big deal for Koreans. Well, at least the kissing part.
#4) I have yet to see a Korean J-walk, and they just won't. So neither do I, until I decided that there was a small street that I could cross with nobody around. And out of nowhere I have a old man come up to me, get my attention and point at the pedestrian light which was red.
#5) Finally, from the notepad beside my computer, I was mobbed at church. Well, there were a few others as well. Essentially we go to a huge church with an English ministry and after church we decided to look around the campus. As we did we came across some sort of fundraiser, where people were selling food to raise money to provide missionaries all over there world with satellites so they could have access to some sermons. So naturally, as white people who speak English, we drew a crowd, except this crowd had camera's and Korean food. This was an all or nothing scenario for me. I do the Korean food and get on TV, or turn the food down and not get on TV. Now I don't need to be on TV, nor do I get excited about it especially, when this was not an English station, and I was really not excited about the food. But it was forced on me. I couldn't believe it. I walk away and laugh as all I knew was that I put some sort of the ocean in my mouth and had a tough time chewing it, as the thing was a rock. So I politely offered it to my other white friends, with large generous pieces, ensuring that I could pass it on and not have to put it in my mouth, as I was already on TV, and I had about 15-20 Koreans wanting to know my thoughts about this piece of ocean. I gave the thumbs and and forced a smile, and realized I couldn't draw this out so that I could dispose of it, so I had to chew and swallow. And still had the courage to assure them that I enjoyed there little snack....................bllllllaaaaahhhhhhhh.
I like a lot of Korean food, but this was to much for me.
It is 3:30 in the morning, I must be off to bed,
I hope to update again when these random stories come about, as I think I will have to go twice weekly.
Keep in touch, I love hearing your thoughts. Well most of them, I didn't think this would turn into a verbal sparring page.............................where I simply can't be beat, as i'm sure you know.
It wasn't a highlight Hoss
12:50 PM
I hope to be a highlight of the week someday... I am Kevin's "everything", but not in a gay way!
3:08 PM
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