As I plan my travels, I also plan to update those back home. This is how............

Sunday, July 10, 2005

The Kids Gave Me PMS

Let me be honest here for a moment, by P.M.S., I am making no reference what so ever to any sort of Patient &/or Manly Sympathy! I mean the whole flippin' thing, P.M.S, as we all know it. Take a moment to think about that then remember, it is a bit of a hyperbole, but, whatever part of PMS brings about the instantaneous mood changes, I don't have that either, I just have the mood changes.

Honestly, it is quite ridiculous. I have come to love an entire classroom of kids in minutes, only to have that all turn on me in a few seconds, leaving me on the verge of whacking them all, (a common practice in Korean schools, which to this point I have vowed not to take part in, however I am not sure how long that is going to last), only to bring me back to loving them a few minutes later. Consider that this may last for a morning (when I teach the kindergarteners), and I think it is fair to say, the kids have given me PMS.

All humor aside, if in fact there was any, (I certainly laughed about the potential for this blog update all week long) the kids are great, but the things they do at places like camp, just aren't acceptable in a class. Things such as having an entire class, climb on the tables, when they realize there is a spider on the floor. To me, this was hilarious, particularly because one of the bigger boys in the class was absolutely defiant and terrified, that he needed to be carried by Kevin teacher as I tried to teach class. His feet essentially couldn't be on the floor, but I was the teacher, and teachers are not supposed to tolerate this behavior in a classroom, which made it really frustrating.

My second example comes from my class full of 5 year old boys. They are hilarious, and if I didn't have to teach them and make sure I covered a certain amount of material with them, I am sure I would love them even more. They hit, the scream, they complain, they act like women (at least a few of the locals think so), but once again, I can go from loving them to absolutely despising them in a matter of seconds. They too, give me PMS.

So what am I saying? Or am I just complaining? I don't know, all I know is that I love these kids, they are the funniest and most hilarious kids I have ever seen, but a teacher is not supposed to encourage certain behavior, so I don't and I don't like that part, it just comes with the territory I suppose.

Anyway, it would be a lot easier teaching at home I know that, and I wish I could be there, but there are things I must learn here. The kids, the culture, and the church and the list goes on, would you pray that the Lord directs my steps, as I wait on him, both in Korea and beyond.




Blogger Kev said...


taco's sound real good right about now, enjoy the coast


1:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello????Who is Melly?? Your mama needs/ wants/ and desires to know!

6:43 AM

Blogger Kev said...

That's a good question

8:03 AM

Blogger Kev said...

I think you "wish" you knew a Melly, there is a difference

9:07 AM

Blogger Kev said...

Kev 1 (i'm being generous)
Hoss 0

12:53 PM


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