As I plan my travels, I also plan to update those back home. This is how............

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Final Post

I am 2 1/2 weeks removed from a year in Korea and it is almost as though nothing happened and life in Vancouver stood still for a year. Leaving and returning at the same time of year has something to do with that. I certainly enjoyed Korea, but much to my surprise and remembrance, life is simply much easier here at home. This is in part because it is only now that I am realizing how much menial tasks could drain me in Korea, which the same thing here is nothing at all. For instance I know what everything is at the grocery store. I am not limited to the few sections that look potentially decent that I might have a clue what to do with. I have access to it all, while in Asia, I was used to the parts. That may be the best way to describe that.

I am also really happy to do the following..............following in the "Matt Davis favorites list" footsteps

a) Have clean air - I can actually see the mountains, and see the sunset
b) See friends and family and hang out without the ominous "I have to work in the morning and deal with kids" attitude.
c) Sleep - probably a total of 70-80 hours my first week home
d) Run - because there is space and see item a)
e) Ride - my bicycle that is..........this comes with an attire that few have seen.
f) Play basketball - a classic rivalry between my brother and I that takes place in the driveway
g) Have I said, go to baseball games yet? - already done 2 and got two more this week!

and finally............

h) take a nice rest from dealing with kids for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week for a full year! - I loved them, just needed a bit of a break.

The transition from Asia to Vancouver has actually been much harder on my body than it has in the way I live day to day. This has been a bit surprising considering that great culture shock tends to be when teachers return to the west as opposed to go to the east, or so I've heard. The buzz and life in Seoul is undublicable (as in you can't duplicate it if that is even a word) but the transition hasn't really been all that I thought it would be.

Where does that leave me now you ask, aside from the obvious - with a lot of time!

It brings me to my vacation in Vancouver. I wouldn't call this holiday or travel, just my summer vacation. This will include time with family, time with friends at weddings and time on the road. All of which can be enjoyed without work hanging over my head............which won't go on forever I know.

I do have more specific thoughts on the near future, but with this blog serving it's purpose in keeping the home front in the loop during my time overseas, you'll have to send an email or we can get together at some point to chat.....IN PERSON! That is what I am looking forward to more than anything.

So without further adieu, I say goodbye to all you who have been following my trek in Korea. I appreciate your support and look forward to being in touch.

My blogging "career" is finished............

I'm sorry



Blogger Jamie and Jennica said...

Nice reflections Kev!!! I was wondering what it's like on the flip side, I seem to have forgotten. I can't believe how fast the past month went by. Well, see you on the flip sde in about 23 days.

6:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey kevin, you're gone from korea and now i'm here! i just started, hehe 360 days left.

12:03 PM


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