It's The Weekend!!!!
The spite value in this is pretty much out the window right now, as it is now Friday night for most of you. I was really hoping to write a bit right after I got home from work last night, but it didn't happen, so now it is Saturday morning, and I lose. I suppose you get your vengeance when you get your Sunday and I'm at work................................
The more time you spend in a different place, the more the irregular just seem to become regular and acceptable. It is strange. Does this mean I am actually becoming a Korean, no, but I am becoming used to some of the things that they do and they just aren't so strange anymore. A friend of mine, (Dr.J, from the R-dot.........."that's my hood, dowg".....................) simply said last time I was home, "you gotta just roll with the punches." And so I have. Just taking the glimpses of strange events and well, considering them normal.
Lets take for example the Korean phenomena known as the "adjima", or grandma. Let me give them credit for this, they are tough, they will not sit in their wheelchairs, they will push carts of things (not sure really what is in these carts) up and down the streets, and some of them will insist on climbing the stairs even though it may take them 1/2 an hour to get up the two floors to the subway platform, when the elevators are readily available. You really have to see it, it doesn't make sense, but whatever. These same grandma's are not afraid of physical contact either. They were like the bullies in high school who would walk a straight line down the halls and give a good shoulder to anybody who wouldn't get out of their way. If you don't get out of their way, many of them will not hesitate or even think about giving you a piece of their shoulder, and let me assure you of this, they have great leverage. Many of them have a good stiff hunch, so it will take a little extra to knock them over (not that I would do it anyway), so when they hit you, they knock you good. Not to mention where they hit you...............remember the hunch.....................
So luckily I have yet to have that happen to me, but I have witnessed this in others. It seems to happen every now and then on the subway.
On another note, monsoon season came and went. It was disappointing. I think Ontario has a bigger monsoon season that Korea, and there it is just called rain. Or so this was the case last summer when I was there, I keep hearing that it was just a bad year, and I believe it. Are they in the middle of a heatwave right now? Just my luck.
But speaking of heatwave, it must be in the mid 90's out here right now. Dan and I sweat just sitting down. It's ridiculous, although he seems to take great joy in the noises he can make on the floor with his sweaty back, which can resemble many strengths and tones of regular human flatulation.
But typhoon season is coming, which should be sweet. Not that I like destruction, but on the west coast I seem to be sheltered from these weather phenomina, so it will be interesting to see. The nice thing is Seoul rarely has to deal with it, in fact, the entire country doesn't have to deal with typhoons for the most part, except for Busan on the very south. Did I mention that I we are going there the first week of August....................... It's our vacation, and we don't have much money yet, so it's time to see the country.
That has been my story of the week. Like I mentioned earlier, I am feeling rather comfortable out here now, and settled in, so the crazy and strange may start to turn into the regular and normal. Who knows
It is always fun to write, hope to hear from you all when you can.
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