As I plan my travels, I also plan to update those back home. This is how............

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Not Really Up for Much

It has been a while since I have writin' a good chunk, or a story of somesort that was strange, funny, stupid, or whatever the case may be. And it won't happen now either. I am just taking advantage of the time that I have right now in front of my computer to let you know of a few things that happened and they way I have been feeling since I last said something on the blog.

a) As previously mentioned, and I don't want to make more out of this than I need too, but this week has been a long one full of too much time at the school, which in turn has made this week one where I wish I was home. Mostly cause it would be easier there.

b) It was then during this time that I had two vastly different experience with a few of the local Korean Christians. The first was one we met an elder from a church who met us and took us straight to the bar. Certainly wasn't what I was expecting, we ended up just shooting the breeze and talking about nothing in particular. After this he took us to a back alley tempera joint. Now this was phenomenal. Tempera in case you didn't know was one of the rare Japanese dishes that I can tolerate, and this guy took us to a small little place with a square table. In the middle of this table were boilers full of tempera. The lights were dim, it felt like a bookstore, where people came to casually eat and talk amongst one another. I wish I had a picture, but it actually felt like a true Asian (as it was Japanese more so than Korean) experience, one that wasn't trying to be western. Glad that happened, although once again, it was not what I was expecting to do when an elder from a church asks you to meet.

c) If you will remember about a month and a 1/2 ago I talked about a Korean man who I had met on the subway, one of those instances of the perfect timing of the Lord. We finally connected. We simply went for a coffee, he asked me about my background, we shared our thoughts and desires for life and the church that the Lord has placed on both of our hearts. He asked me if I would be available to lead an English Bible study at his church, then asked me if I had preached and would be willing to do so. I won't tell you what I said, we are waiting to see how or even if this will work with a little more time. It was encouraging to meet with a native believer on the other side of the world like that.

d) Going back a little further, I posted a few pictures from a hike that Dan, Rob and I did a few weeks ago. That was ridiculous, Koreans are phenomenal hikers, not just fashionable ones. They were all over the place and it was a little embarrassing to get passed by the adjima's (grandma's, or old women). The trail was absolutely full of people as well, this wasn't a BC trail where you could go and see nobody for three days, you couldn't see nobody for three seconds on the trail we took!

e) Looking to the future, Dan and I will probably start taking Korean lessons next week. 2 hours every Saturday for about 7 weeks. Hopefully it will give us a bigger clue to what people are saying about us when the look at us and say things. Which happens all the time.

That is the update for now,
I miss everybody


Originally uploaded by kevdu.
"Korea sucks, I hate it over here!"

That's definantly not true, but that's not what the look on my face is saying.

There is a story to this one. Well done Dan. Touche!

I Had a Goofy Hat Too

I Had a Goofy Hat Too
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Just trying to be a part of the team.

Who's That?

Who's That?
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Any thoughts...............

Finger Man

Finger Man
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
The meany in the red isn't saying hello to everybody!

The Brighton Crew

The Complete Brighton Crew
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Our colleagues at a good-by dinner for one of our foreign teachers.

Bet you can't tell which ones are Dan and I!

Friday, August 26, 2005

More To Come

It has been a crazy week. Spent too much time and work and it got to me at times. Put in a few 10 hour days to many. This casued a wide range of emotions, from wishing I was home to loving being out here. So as the novelty wears off of being in Korea, I confess I get homesick at times, especially considering that I haven't spent more than a month in Vancouver for about 3 years or so. At this time of the contract it will be an ongoing battle. We shall see how this plays out with a little more time.

But Dan and I continue to have great/random/stupid experiences and stories to tell. So I will write more about them tommorow, I just wanted to make sure I kept people updated as I have let a few of your emails pile up.

Be sure to check Dan's blog for more pictures. He should have them updated somtime this weekend, they will give you a little more insight into my life.

That is all for now

Clarity Please!

Clarity Please
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
I woke up one morning, looked out the window and was dumbfounded by the clarity the new day brought.

It looks like the season of eternal smog is done.

Dan's Unhappy

Dan's Unhappy
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Look out kid.............put those "pipes" with the angry face, and you have one chessed teacher.......Heads Up!

Nothing a Doughnut Can't Solve

Nothing a Doughnut Can't Solve
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Good thing he bought a gym pass!!!!

And a Little Kimbop Too!

And a Little Kimbop Too!
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Dan's getting the chopstick thing down.

Dan's Hat

Dan's Hat
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
It was a birthday, so a few of us put on the communal restuarant hats. Whatever works I suppose, afterall, this is Korea

Vicky's Hat

Vicky's Hat
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
The Korean's started it........I guess Dan is off the hook.

Tuff Boss

Tuff Boss
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
"Sir Martin, what can I do for you today, sir!"

This is the boss man Maritn. Good guy, I caught him playing casual!

Da Boys

Da Boys
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Thomas, James and E-D-D-I-E.

Eddie is autistically brilliant. So I never call him by his name, I always spell it out for him, and he loves it.


Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Same boys, just from behind

Little E

Little E
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
I know I know, "But Kevin, he's so cute!!!!"

This kid drives me up the wall!!!!!!!

Thomas's New Bike

Thomas's New Bike
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Thomas #2.

He got a new bike and I promised I would take a look. So I brought the camera.

Girl Chases Boy

Girl Chases Boy
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Grace is after the boys again. This time she's going after Andy. And she usually has her way with them.


Originally uploaded by kevdu.
"Kevin Teacher, watch this"

I wish I could empahsize certain syllabls, cause hearing this kid speak is priceless.

The Little Ones

The Little Ones
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
It takes three of us to coral 8 of them on a field trip.

Try teaching them English in a classroom........on your own!

Soccer in City Anybody?

Soccer in City
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Dirt field, surrounded by apartments......

Univercity Ampitheater, er Tennis Courts

Nice little ampitheater in the middle of a university. Until somebody decided it would be better for Tennis...............

Rob's d-nut @ Hyehwa

Rob's d-nut @ Hyehwa
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Rob, Matt and I went for a little treat on a restaruant roof.

This is a place at Hyehwa Station, which has become one of my favourite area's to be. Coffee Shops everywhere and a few universities in the area. For whatever reason, it reminds me of Seattle.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

From Suraksan to Sanggaye

"The end of the matter is better than its begining,
and patience is better than pride" - Ecclesiastes 7:8

Brunch in Korea

Brunch in Korea
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
First breakfast in a while that wasn't Korean Fruit Loops


Originally uploaded by kevdu.
It is tough to take good pictures of yourself, so I have to hope others will for me, this time Andrea came through with a quality "action" shot. I didn't see it coming even though it was my camera.

This was at our first good hearty western breakfast since I have beeen here, and it was wonderful.

Is this the right train?

Is this the right train?
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Dan and the subway on our way to City Hall for the Liberation Day celebration

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Au Natural

Originally uploaded by kevdu.
The Korean crew just chillin' out on the balcony, with the sunset and mountains in the background. The people we have met out here are incredible. Ironically many of them are Christians from the Vancouver area.............who'd a thunk it.

Especially when we all met in Korea!

Dog Days of Summer

Originally uploaded by kevdu.
A Korean roof BBQ at Andrea and Rob's apt.

R-L, Me, Matt, Dan Olson, Dan Fiji

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Dan's Pointy Nose

Dan's Pointy Nose
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
This Japanesse fellow took Dan to task over his pointy nose, all over the course of a meal as him, his wife and his daughter sat at the table beside us.

Pure comedy

Korean Liberation Day @ Namdeamun Gate

Look out, here comes the flag.

Korean Liberation Day @ Namdeamun Gate

Huge party in downtown Seoul, with concerts and a lot of flag waving Koreans.

Seoul Tower

Seoul Tower
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Off in the distance is the Seoul Tower.

Comparable to Seattle's Space Needle, but really not the same

Sunday, August 14, 2005

The Business of Education

I wrote the last blog entry first, and it was set up from the previous entry, so it may be best to scroll down the page and start reading two entries earlier. Then move to the one prior to this one, and read this entry last. That at least what I envisioned as I wrote them, but the choice is up to you are free to do as you please.

"The letter to the parents"

Every now and then we are required to evaluate the progress of our students in an evaluation to the parents. This comes in the form of a number between 1-5 for various categories such as reading, writing, listening, behavior etc. 5 being great, 1 being poor. We are always required to leave a few comments to the parent about the child. This is really only a few sentences, so there isn't much room to get into to much detail so I have generally been rather straight forward in my evaluations. Typically going with a "sandwich comment". Visualize a sandwich with me. One needed improvement (meat, cheese, mustard, etc) surrounded by good and encouraging comments (two pieces of bread). This shouldn't send you running to the fridge, it is simply a good rule of thumb when commenting on work, particularly to young kids.

I was straight up with one child in my kindergarten class. His behavior is far and away poor, even for a child at his age, which I definantly took into account. This came in the form of a comment to the parent who in response was not very happy. Essentially the kids at that age tend to have a much more difficult time listening and behaving themselves properly in a class taught by a foreign teacher, as we don't speak Korean. The teachers prior to me all noticed this behavior in the child, so the mother was not to happy that I too had felt this way about her child as well.

So, because the teaching that we are doing is a cut throat business in Korea to the extent that there are thousands of schools competing for the ability to teach a child, we must say nice things about children in order to keep them at the school and therefore continually making money, which then in turn pays for my trip and salary as well. We then become therapeutic more so than we become truthful, in an effort to give the parent the appearance that all is well and your child is doing well at school.

For this one particular child I choose not to do this, and she wasn't to happy. Fortunately for me I don't speak Korean, so I get the message through a few people, so to make a long and dying story short I had to write a letter to her explaining why I gave this grade to her child and I had to assure her that she was a good parent.

I just shake my head. But this is the nature of the business.

"Other news," ironically all coming from home........................

a) Sandy Colero and Brita Main got married this weekend, it would have been nice to be there, I look forward to the stories

b) If you want to know about anything going on in the world, contact a Dueck family member, we are currently covering 4 continents.

Dad - Promised Land, er Vancouver, BC
Mom - Uganda, East Africa
Me - South Korea, Asia
Amy - Springfield, Missouri, USA
Dawson - Spain, Europe

I have said enough


One of These Guys is Married

One of These Guys is Married
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Congratulations to the new Sandy and Brita Colero family. I believe the ceremony will start in a few hours.

It would have been nice to be there.

Just for the record this is Sandy and I, not him and Brita, in San Diego after grad.

Back to the Hot Water

Back to the Hot Water
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
It had been a while since we had hot water, so after 3 weeks off, the pipes were a little rusty to say the least.

They cleared up after a few hours, but it was still nasty

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Just For The Record

After my last blog entry of brief tidbits I suppose my actions need a little further explanation, so here it goes.

"The Fake Kick"

So a group of six of us teachers hit up the mall after church last Sunday. The new married couple to town (Jennica and Jamie) needed to hit up the Apple (computers) Store, and I didn't know where it was, so as an ibook owner myself, I was in. That made three of us, which as a general social rule means that the others will follow, which although this may not always be the case, it was the case this time.

So six of us trotted onto the subway and to the mall. But this isn't any mall, it had to be one of the biggest in Korea. So naturally, as one of the bigger malls in a country that is full of people, it was packed, particularly on a Sunday. Essentially, if you weren't rubbing shoulders with people you were probably in a bathroom stall.

Now this usually makes for an interesting trip to the mall, but what made it even more enjoyable was that the six of us were just having a good time with one another. Things like punching each other on the shoulder and maximizing our ability to simply do dumb things because we are foreigners (Dan is especially good at this, one of these times I'll get a picture to show you). These can be priceless little experiences that are better experienced than explained. So I hope you get the picture, we were essentially doing dumb things to each other.

So after being at the mall for an hour and having my sandal kicked off my feel about 7 or 8 different times, ignoring them all, it was time for a reaction. I was going to simply drop a subtle hit to Dan or Rob or whoever kept kicking my feet as a member of our clan of westerners that they had run their course and it would be best if that were the last time they did that. So after the next dislodged sandal which happened on two consecutive strides, I made a sharp 180 degree turn, turned on the "I'm not too happy" face and bent one leg at the knee, bringing my foot to my butt in a deliberate attempt to suggest that I would like to kick the culprit in the shin. Only to realize the culprit was not Dan, Andrea, Rob or even the new couple. It was a child!................Better yet, it wasn't just any child, it was a child in a stroller being pushed by his/her tiny Korean mother, who appeared to be on her own at the mall.

I think I just confirmed that no western country will be seeing these people any time soon!

I couldn't believe what I had done. Behind this woman her stroller was Andrea who saw the entire thing unfold. It was after seeing her blank look of shock on her face, that I had realized what I had done, and I discovered that I was not as subtle as I thought I was, and what was intended as a harmless reaction towards our group, ended up being quite an embarrassing moment for me at least, but like them all, a moment which I look back at.................and laugh.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Nothing in Particular

Thought I would mention and update a few things...............

a) The Korean pastor I meet and meant to connect with hasn't happened yet. We were returning phone calls for about 3 weeks and the past couple weeks, things have faded. Unfortuantly. I hope to try again in a few months, we'll see.

b) When you attend a Korean church, you can expect to spend the day there. About 9-4 or so, at least this is what I have been told. This includes workship service, lunch, prayer time and bible study.

c) I almost "fake kicked" a child in a stroller at the mall. I will get back to this on my next entry so please hold off of the "you are a terrible person" or "child hater" emails until then. It'll be good......................I suppose it better be!

d) Within the last 1/2 hour our hot water has been turned back on after a 3 week absence.

e) I had to write a letter to a parent who was not happy with the evaluation I gave of her child. That is the way these schools work, say good things, keep the kids coming therefore paying the school, and everybody wins and makes money, except the kids. Joel From would have a field day out here that is for sure. I have mixed feelings about that as I experience it. I suppose this will require more info on the next entry as well......................

Just keep coming and i'll keep writing....................


Thursday, August 04, 2005

This Rain Jacket Was $1.50

This Rain Jacket Was $1.50
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Dan and I both had one

We Got What We Paid For

You Get What You Pay For
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Dan and I both got drenched even though we had the rain dresses on.

It Was Actually Fun

And The Same Goes For Me
Originally uploaded by kevdu.

Off We Went

Dan and I will get 10 days vacation during the year we are hear (not including national holidays and long weekends), and our first five came early during our time here. So much so that Dan hasn't even been paid yet, and my first cheque wasn't a full one, so we had to look at our "resources" and plan appropriately.

So as opposed to going to the South Pacific, off to Thailand or to see the Great Wall in China, we decided to see the country we will spend the next 10 months in. We live in the NW corner of Korea in Seoul and we decided to traverse the country and hit up Pusan (also spelt Busan) on the opposite side. It would be in Busan where we would find beaches to relax and simply have the opportunity to get out of the pollution that tends to linger over Seoul, while also riding a bullet train across the country and seeing what we could of the country side while whizzing by at 300.3 km/H.

The most inviting part of this for me was the thought of sitting on a beach. This tends to be the case anywhere I go. I love being in the surf, or just sitting on the beach listening to the surf. It is one of the most relaxing things that you can do. But it is hard when there really isn't much surf at all, worse yet when there is a constant pouring rain. This is essentially what happened. We were there for three days and had to spend one of them going from attraction to attraction indoors to try and wait off the rain, and just for the record, this wasn't drizzle. So the potential for a good few days at the beach ended up being a day doing attractions, then another day doing the same, then sucking it up on the last day and doing the beach, despite the clouds. Let's just say that I wish California was an option.

Anyway, we are back in Seoul now and will get a chance to see some of the sights around here which we haven't seen yet, and just relax at home for a few days.

So give us a call, send us an email, we got some time now.
I got nothing else to say

Dan at the Ocean

Dan at the Ocean
Originally uploaded by kevdu.


Originally uploaded by kevdu.
Post Briercrest Dan embraces the toy condom on Aids awareness day on the beach in Pusan.

Pusan from the Mountains

Pusan from the Mountains
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
The view from the top.

Hangin out in the Korean Forest

Hangin out in the Korean Forest
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
How tough do you think it is to climb a Korean mountain? Not very, when they have a gondola and you only have a few hours.

Haundae Beach

Haundae Beach
Originally uploaded by kevdu.
This is the most popular beach in Korea. Essentially, this was a slow day.