More To Come
It has been a crazy week. Spent too much time and work and it got to me at times. Put in a few 10 hour days to many. This casued a wide range of emotions, from wishing I was home to loving being out here. So as the novelty wears off of being in Korea, I confess I get homesick at times, especially considering that I haven't spent more than a month in Vancouver for about 3 years or so. At this time of the contract it will be an ongoing battle. We shall see how this plays out with a little more time.
But Dan and I continue to have great/random/stupid experiences and stories to tell. So I will write more about them tommorow, I just wanted to make sure I kept people updated as I have let a few of your emails pile up.
Be sure to check Dan's blog for more pictures. He should have them updated somtime this weekend, they will give you a little more insight into my life.
That is all for now
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