Not Really Up for Much
It has been a while since I have writin' a good chunk, or a story of somesort that was strange, funny, stupid, or whatever the case may be. And it won't happen now either. I am just taking advantage of the time that I have right now in front of my computer to let you know of a few things that happened and they way I have been feeling since I last said something on the blog.
a) As previously mentioned, and I don't want to make more out of this than I need too, but this week has been a long one full of too much time at the school, which in turn has made this week one where I wish I was home. Mostly cause it would be easier there.
b) It was then during this time that I had two vastly different experience with a few of the local Korean Christians. The first was one we met an elder from a church who met us and took us straight to the bar. Certainly wasn't what I was expecting, we ended up just shooting the breeze and talking about nothing in particular. After this he took us to a back alley tempera joint. Now this was phenomenal. Tempera in case you didn't know was one of the rare Japanese dishes that I can tolerate, and this guy took us to a small little place with a square table. In the middle of this table were boilers full of tempera. The lights were dim, it felt like a bookstore, where people came to casually eat and talk amongst one another. I wish I had a picture, but it actually felt like a true Asian (as it was Japanese more so than Korean) experience, one that wasn't trying to be western. Glad that happened, although once again, it was not what I was expecting to do when an elder from a church asks you to meet.
c) If you will remember about a month and a 1/2 ago I talked about a Korean man who I had met on the subway, one of those instances of the perfect timing of the Lord. We finally connected. We simply went for a coffee, he asked me about my background, we shared our thoughts and desires for life and the church that the Lord has placed on both of our hearts. He asked me if I would be available to lead an English Bible study at his church, then asked me if I had preached and would be willing to do so. I won't tell you what I said, we are waiting to see how or even if this will work with a little more time. It was encouraging to meet with a native believer on the other side of the world like that.
d) Going back a little further, I posted a few pictures from a hike that Dan, Rob and I did a few weeks ago. That was ridiculous, Koreans are phenomenal hikers, not just fashionable ones. They were all over the place and it was a little embarrassing to get passed by the adjima's (grandma's, or old women). The trail was absolutely full of people as well, this wasn't a BC trail where you could go and see nobody for three days, you couldn't see nobody for three seconds on the trail we took!
e) Looking to the future, Dan and I will probably start taking Korean lessons next week. 2 hours every Saturday for about 7 weeks. Hopefully it will give us a bigger clue to what people are saying about us when the look at us and say things. Which happens all the time.
That is the update for now,
I miss everybody
Like I said, "time will fly" man!
Taking Korean Lessons? good for you. I bet you will be one those fast learner (campare to someon hmmm....... sorry Dan, just kidding haha^^)
9:41 PM
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