For those who have been following on a weekly or even a daily basis, I apologize for the two week update hiatus. I suspect this group is limited to my foreign teacher friends who have nothing to do on there short break, just as I do, and their mothers, who look and hope daily to hear something about their kids, even if that comes from somebody else. This of course is why we love our mothers! So I credit whatever comes through the keyboard onto this page to mom, who has grown impatient waiting for Kevy (which is fair, it's been a while) to update his blog.
I'll start with news from Brighton School.
The kids (particularly my kindergarteners) are starting to wear real thin on me. I have had the same group of 5 and 6 year olds for the past 8+ months. The new school year starts the first week in March when the kids will get new teachers and I will get new students (amazing how that works isn't it!). I suppose my kids know that their time with Kevin teacher is almost over so they will make it as difficult as they can, and to their credit they have done a great job. Let's just say that there is a heavy imbalance between discipline and encouragement in my classes of late!
In saying that, I look forward to a new start with a new group of kids. They will be 7 years olds, which will be a welcome change to the 5 year olds I have been teaching. It may not seem like much, but it will be a huge difference too me, time will tell.
We will also get a change in staff. We have been fortunate to have no turnover in staff since I have been here, but that will change. We will be loosing 3 Korean teachers and gaining 7 more, and will also gaining another foreign teacher from the states.
On a different note, I can't wait for the summer. I feel a bit like a caged bird out here physically. I want to ride my bike, play hockey, play basketball, run, etc. These sort of things just aren't the same out here, if you can find them, let alone in English. I look forward to doing them in a few months, in the heat of the summer!
Although I did go bowling the other week, it was Jamie's birthday! Had a good time, although I don't have any pictures.
For those of you following from Briercrest, you'll never believe this and it's definitely random. I ran into Richard Neville's (a proff from Briercrest) mom! She is in my Korean class, and is just a precious woman. What a blessing it was to meet her, she was excited to hear from her son's students. She too is an English teacher here in Seoul.
I will stop there, as I do feel like I've lost that writing touch that I had when I first got here, either that or the motivation to do so just isn't there like it once was, I don't know. Hopefully it will come back, or I'll have a few more entertaining stories and pictures over the upcoming weeks.