...............so Rob and Andrea have been to Korea. To me, they were the pioneers, who when I heard about what they were doing, peaked my interest in doing the same. Of course, not quite "Columbus-esque," but you get the point. It would be through them and a few other things (The Lord) that I would actually find myself out here with them. As I look back, I don't know what I would have done my first few weeks without them, and even a few things after that What a blessing! It was a strange and scary thought to them a year ago (as it was for me 9 months ago), but they have made it. They have finished their time here and are out and about in other places.
It was great to have them out here, and they will be missed, particularly as they were the social center of the "whities in Nowon" here in Seoul. I suppose we will be able to slug it out here without them, but it just won't be the same.
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