Moments From the Past Few Weeks

Thought now would be a good time to post a few pictures, so here is the past week or so in pictures. Kids, friends (Dan, Chad Graham, and Ssang-dong all from Brierfest) and Chenggyedong stream in downtown Seoul.
One thing that is worth mentioning that I did..................this is one of those "woopsies" moments................was I gave phone tests to my kindergarten kids this past week. This went well and normally takes an hour and a 1/2 or two hours, so I try to be brief, but hold the conversation long enough for parents to be happy. This can be particularly difficult with my little 5 year old class. They just don't speak much English, so I talk and they try and spit out a few words and I act like I understand them completely, when I really have no idea. It can be funny when you hear a parent whisper things into the ears of the kids. I'm starting to ramble, sorry.
So when I finished with the kids it was time for me to go, enough is just enough in one day, so I mentioned to my team teacher/Korean teacher, that I was finished but wasn't able to call these kids, she said OK, but this parent has asked that you call during this time. Blah! This would be a window of about 10 minutes to call this student in another two hours. But by this time I was finished at work for the day (one of those just get me outta here situations) and had to get off to a surprise birthday for one of our friends, so I took the number with me. I left the school, got on the subway and made my way over to Brandon and Rachel's place for dinner and a film. It was great, we had fun together and got to meet a bunch of Korean people and watch The Terminal, with Tom Hanks, which now that we had all traveled a bit and done our share of sleeping in airports, we can relate too. It was great to see our friends and chill during the week, cause that doesn't' always happen with our different working hours and all. And what better a place to have a surprise than in Korea, where any little thing can be a surprise.
The point of the story is this, as you may have forgotten, just as I did, I was supposed to call one of my 5 year old students two hours ago! Crap! Come to find out the next morning, when the students mom called the school, "my" quiet, sweet, attentive little Jennifer cried because Kevin Teacher didn't call!....................................
Now I want to relive myself of this burden partially, her mom has to give me a little more time to call (more than a 10 minute period to expect a call) and it can't be at such a bad time, when a teacher wants to be away and as distant from work as possible, at home. I ended up calling the girl the next day as I walked down the street on my cell, it was ridiculous.
The adventure continues for another 5 months!
Dude, time to chill with the excessive's a little out of control.
I wanna talk Kyoto.
6:57 PM
Tag. You're it.
3:16 AM
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